Research To Results

The McConnell Group provides resources for building business and improving lives.

The McConnell Group, Inc., is a health sciences company that provides a comprehensive selection of professional and technical services and products designed to enhance the success of companies in a rapidly changing marketplace.

TMG is a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business.


Corporate Capabilities

Life Sciences provides support to organizations requiring specialized animal husbandry services, laboratory animal sciences, environmental, pre-clinical development, facility management, veterinary and surgical support, research and technical support, and military working dog (MWD) kennel management.

Life Sciences

Life Sciences provides support to organizations requiring specialized animal husbandry services, laboratory animal sciences, environmental, pre-clinical development, facility management, veterinary and surgical support, research and technical support, and military working dog (MWD) kennel management.

Biomedical Research

Biomedical Research supports the expansion of medical research to evaluate and develop novel preventions, therapies and cures for human and veterinary health.  Broad based experience in both basic science and applied research in providing solutions for infectious and non-communicable disease.

Medical Research & Technology

Medical Research and Technology provides services in the areas of patient services, surgical technicians, ophthalmology, health care technicians/physicians, psychologist, physical therapists and administrative outpatient services. Our staff integrates and applies concepts of biology, chemistry and medicine to provide data to improve overall health and performance.  Applicable areas include Endemic Disease threats, Chemical/Biological Warfare threats, Environmental Hazards, and Operational Stressors.

International Affairs

International Affairs represents a broad disciplinary base of agricultural and natural resources skills necessary to provide solutions to current and future challenges. TMG is well positioned to support this effort through professionals from a vast community of universities, private voluntary organizations, commercial firms and former U.S. Army Civil Affairs experts.